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  • Precautions for Use of ERYTHRITOL

Precautions for Use of ERYTHRITOL

  • Like other sugar alcohols, the intake of ERYTHRITOL in large quantities may induce laxation (diarrhea) depending on one's physical condition and constitution. This is a transient phenomenon and not a cause for concern.
  • According to a study conducted in Japan, the intake of ERYTHRITOL per unit weight (NOEL : No-Observed-Effect Level) at which no induction of laxation would occur after the product is ingested all at once is reported to be 0.66 g/kg BW in male adults and 0.80 g/kg BW in female adults (Nutrition Research, vol. 16, no. 4, 1996).
    Among sugar alcohols, ERYTHRITOL is considered to be most the unlikely to induce laxation.
  • Assuming that a male adult and female adult respectively weigh 60 kg and 50 kg, the maximum acceptable ERYTHRITOL intake in adults would be approximately 40g.
  • The NOEL of ERYTHRITOL per day after divided intake may be larger than the above. Due to the lack of reliable data, however, consider 40 g to be the maximum acceptable daily intake in adults.
  • The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) established an acceptable daily intake (ADI) "not specified" for ERYTHRITOL for use as a sweetening agent, in other words, ERYTHRITOL is so safe that its acceptable daily intake does not need to be specified. This shows that the safety of ERYTHRITOL is recognized on a global level (June 1999).

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